Thursday, August 14, 2014

Mom would have been 65....

Today turned out to be harder than I thought
it was going to be.  As I was sitting at my computer
trying to get some pictures for Brooke to put
in the book for Grandma Great, Zaners was standing 
next to me and I said Moms name. 
Zane looked at me and said  "thats not grandma!"
Instant tears! For those of you
who remember how hard it was form me to
accept that I was pregnant with Zane....this was
one of the many reasons why.
I knew that he would never know her.
 I know what you are all thinking....he knew her
before he came here.  I know that
deep down...I really do.  It doesn't change how hard that
was to hear tonight.  He doesn't know her like my other
kids did and that makes my heart hurt.
It also made me realize that I only have one picture
of her in my home.  Shame on me!  I have now sent
some to costco to be printed! I will be sending some of
Grandpa Wilding too....I don't want my children to forget them!