Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Bed Buddies

 we went to get in bed the other nigh and I 
found Zaner's holding his puppy (1st pic) that 
normally is just sitting in the corner of
his bed.  Then in the middle of the night we
kept hearing his little puppy bark...every time
 he would roll over it would make the little sound
thing in his hand go off!  Then last night I went in to 
check on him and found him with his arm
around his little buddy!
And the BEST thing about it...He has 
slept thru the night for 2 nights!!!


trishcook said...

So adorably cute!! Love our sweet Zaner's!!

melissa said...

Porter has this little pup that Kaden bought from school. It's probably worth a buck. But he totes that thing around and sleeps with him each night. I've had to sew him back together a couple of times. Cutest thing ever! Boys best friend. Even better in the stuffed version.